The Latest WEgate Peer-to-Peer…
WEgate exists to support women entrepreneurs. In the trus spirit of this mission, on May 19, 2021 the WEgate team held its third peer-to-peer webinar: “Women entrepreneurs benefiting from Inclusive support in innovation, investments & transatlantic networking”, bringing together our community with amazing organizations supporting women entrepreneurs for the purpose of sharing best practices in their economic empowerment. WEgate is always looking for a variety of practices addressing numerous aspects of business development.
During the webinar, 54 participants had the opportunity to learn more about the importance of women entrepreneurship organizations influencing policies, providing networking opportunities and creating diverse investment ecosystem. They offer direct insights in the use of public support and role models, encouraging the presence of women in business and favouring an inclusive approach and diversity to innovation and investment. They also covered the opportunities available for trans-Atlantic networking speficic to women in business.
Our speakers provided some very relevant and on-point conclusion that we hope can inspire our ocmmunity to seize these opportunities:
“Diversity leads to economic growth and companies with an above average diversity produce greater proportion of revenue from innovation. Diverse companies are in much better position to unlock innovation, which drives the market growth. In order to boost innovation, we need to think of alternative view points and help diverse companies find new diverse markets, leading towards improved financial results, higher return on equity, and engaged healthy business culture. These will contribute towards bigger change in longer period of time. Don’t think just about one network, open the doors and be open to receive a support.” Dr Giulia Sirigu, Senior Innovation And Growth Specialist, Innovate UK EDGE at Inventya
“Diversity is good business. It opens doors to talent, innovation and better return on investment. The partners of the Diversity commitment believe that equal access to funding and opportunity for all founders will unleash untapped potential for the benefit of all. Investors can lean into diversity, ensuring they do not grow homogeneity. We are not creating just a committed community, but one dedicated to a learning and action, together with all investors that are joining us. It is extremely valuable for the investors to share the knowledge with each other and stand shoulder by shoulder to ensure that the ecosystem becomes safe for a diverse future.” Liva Echwald, founder of Female Founders of the Future (FFOF)
“One of the principal activities that we do is raise awareness about the legal framework and the actual opportunities for SMEs, that want to do business between Canada and the European Union and vice versa. The Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and EU facilitates temporary mobility, such as intra-company transfers, independent professionals and contractual service providers, investors and business visitors. It facilitates movements of professionals, because we agreed on mutual professional qualifications and investment by increased protections and security for investors. Since the agreement, the EU has greatly improved its presence in Canada.” Agnieszka Weinar, Executive Director, Canada-Europe Women in Business.
If you missed this WEbinar and would like to watch it again, you can find the recording below: