Call for Submission of Good Practices
The WEgate Summit 2020 Showed the Way for the Future of WEgate: Let us Grow a Community of Women Entrepreneurs in Europe Together!
The Results from the WEbarometer 2020 Are Out
First Meeting of the WEgate Community Council
WEgate Webinar Review: ”Celebrating Women’s Entrepreneurship Day – Sharing best practices in supporting women’s economic empowerment”
WEgate Summit 2020
Webinar: “Celebrating Women’s Entrepreneurship Day – Sharing best practices in supporting women’s economic empowerment”
WEgate Webinar Series – Your Funding Strategy
WEgate welcomes new Community Council members
WEgate to speak at EUROGENDER’s WE EMPOWER online event
WEbarometer – help us open doors for women entrepreneurs
What 3 things can we do to empower Women Entrepreneurs
Take a mini-survey on pay transparency!
Do you like WEgate? Help us spread the news
WEgate networking event
Survey aims to delve deeper into the obstacles faced by women entrepreneurs within the EU
A new report analyses the difference between women in corporations and start-ups in Poland
EESC launches its theme for the Civil Society Prize to empower women and fight for gender equality
WEgate video presents female entrepreneurs and support organisations
Ensuring women receive the same opportunities as men within the energy market
Podcasts help women to jumpstart their business
EU Prize for Women Innovators
Studies highlight the issues facing female entrepreneurs
Children’s book hopes to inspire young girls to become entrepreneurs