Malta Enterprise: Business Advisory Services (Malta)
SNCI Start up loans (Luxembourg)
LVPA Lietuvos Verslo Paramos Agentura – LBSA Lithuanian Business Support Agency (Lithuania)
ALTUM (Latvia)
Italia Start Up (Italy)
Social Innovation Fund (Ireland)
Svanni (Iceland)
National Instruments Small Enterprise Start-Up Programme (Hungary)
Epixeiro (Greece)
Foerderdatenbank – Funding database of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy (Germany)
Liv og Land – Life and Land (Denmark)
PSC Cyprus Financial Assistance (Cyprus)
Rural Development Funds
Invitalia Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa – National Agency for investment promotion and enterprise development (Italy)
Tourism funding
How to access European and national funds
EIF European Investment Fund
Progress Microfinance
Venture capital
BAE Business Angels Europe
EBAN European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds and Early Stage Market Players
Access to finance in the European Union
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