Фирма од поверења – Certification for companies (Serbia)
AHK Deutsche Auslandshandelskammern – German Chambers of Commerce abroad (Germany)
iXPOS The Gateway to German business (Germany)
German Pavilion (Germany)
SDI Scottish Development International (United Kingdom)
Department for international trade (United Kingdom)
Exportinitiative Erneuerbare Energien – Renewable Energies Export Initiative (Germany)
Team Finland – Internationalisation (Finland)
Finpro – Growth for Finland (Finland)
PromoFirenze – Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, managing business development and internationalization of Florentine companies (Italy)
FORMAPER Formazione e servizi per l’imprenditorialità – Training and information for young entrepreneurs (Italy)
Recognition of professional qualifications
Work in another country on a short assignment
Market Access Database – Exporting to a non-European Union country
EU Gateway Business Avenues – Business collaborations in Asia
Doing business in Japan
EUPIC EU Project Innovation Centre (China)
Doing business abroad – European Business Centres
Providing services abroad
Practical advice from the official mentors of the European Union
Expand in Spain (Spain)
Invest in Malta (Malta)
Guichet.lu (Luxembourg)
Versli Lietuva – Enterprise Lithuania (Lithuania)