This article outlines the general position of WEgate towards requests for promoting communication materials coming from stakeholders external to the WEgate project (3rd party stakeholders).
This article outlines the general position of WEgate towards requests for promoting communication materials coming from stakeholders external to the WEgate project (3rd party stakeholders).
External stakeholders are divided into the following categories:
- Members of the WEgate Community Council;
- Members of the WEgate Community;
- Other stakeholders.
General considerations:
- WEgate only promotes events/initiatives/projects that specifically address the following topics: women entrepreneurship, topics related to business, finances, economics that have a clear gender element;
- On the WEgate website, only information developed or checked in advance by the WEgate communication team is shared. WEgate team reserves the right to decline the publication of any content not deemed in line with the editorial guidelines of the WEgate platform;
- Communication shared on WEgate communication channels not developed by WEgate communication team must clearly identify the source and, where appropriate, contain a disclaimer on the content of the communication material.
- The editorial calendar will include one day per week for the promotion of communication materials of 3rd party stakeholders on WEgate social media channels published on a “first come, first served” basis;
- External content should mostly be shared on the WEgate platform, as it represents the main hub of information of WEgate.
Requests for promoting communication materials coming from WEgate Community Council members:
- They can share information on their initiatives in the WEgate newsletter. However, it must be considered the fact that the newsletter is not a monthly publication and therefore the information shared must be relevant at the moment of the newsletter’s publication.
- They can share information on their initiatives on WEgate’s social media channels on the dedicated day. If the communication to be promoted includes a deadline, the request must be received at least one week before that deadline, otherwise, we cannot guarantee a timely promotion.
- WEgate Community Council members can contribute to information shared on the WEgate website – blog, news, informative articles relevant to national contexts – with the source clearly identified.
Requests for promoting communication materials coming from WEgate Community members:
- WEgate Community members cannot share communication materials through WEgate’s communication channels but should use the features of the WEgate community platform instead.
Requests for promoting communication materials coming from other stakeholders:
- These requests will be considered case by case, as long as they fall under the scope of the General Considerations;
- These requests have the least priority for the editorial calendar.