News website Salon has selected 9 podcasts that are particularly inspiring for women in business. The podcasts are made by and for business women and female entrepreneurs active in tech-related industries. These radio shows offer different perspectives on female leadership and entrepreneurship.
The podcasts offer a mix of storytelling, interviews and practical advice, encouraging women to share experiences and lessons learnt.
The selected podcasts are made by women from different cultural backgrounds and fields, including marketing, sales and social media experts, mothers who own online businesses or women in arts and technology.
Some women tell about how they combine different fields, showcasing the link between science and arts or design, technology and business.
Other podcasts elaborate on personal development or give financial advice.
Find out more and explore Salon’s list of podcasts here: http://www.salon.com/2017/08/06/listen-9-podcasts-for-and-about-women-in-business-and-tech/